Daily Challenge with Po-Shen Loh
This service is operated by Expii, Inc., the social enterprise founded by Po-Shen Loh seeking to raise the world's interest and ability in math and science.
Course Information
Wondering if Daily Challenge courses are suitable for you (or your kids)? Need a recommendation for which module to enroll in?
We provide a free academic consultation service through email course-consulting@poshenloh.com or WeChat (boshuzhushou1).
Technical Support
Having trouble creating an account? Found a bug or a typo on our website?
Shoot us an email at support@poshenloh.com.
Academic Support
Did not quite understand a concept in a lesson? Would like some hints to the Weekly Challenge problems?
You can ask our TA questions or discuss math problems with other students on the Daily Challenge forum.
US Mail
Expii, Inc.
260 Atwood Street,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone & Fax
(844) 314-1593
(844) 314-1592